"A painting is never finished, only abandoned" - Leonardo da Vinci (1452-1519)

This original framed painting hanging on your corporate walls is a positive statement to the world of your Fine Arts cultural identity.

Sispon Village in the Principality of Andorra

Art Rental Service

If you, or your corporation would like to rent this original painting from the artist, complete the Art Rental Service Form below for more information.

This is an exceptional service for private and corporate collectors in the Principality of Monaco, Provence-Côte d'Azur, the Italian Riviera and Northern Italy.

See Art Rental Service FAQ

Image code number 465
Other, please specify
Please type the letters and digits
you see in the picture above.

My personal support

The painting you receive on loan is an original oil on canvas, painted, signed and dated by myself. I hang the painting and collect it at the termination of the period you want it for . The average size of the paintings is 70 X 50cm (28 X 20 inches), 80 X 100cm (32 X 41 inches) to 140 X 130cm (57 X 53 inches). You are not required to pay insurance on the painting you have borrowed and further, should it be damaged during that time, it will be replaced by a similar work of art. I will substitute the painting you have selected if, during the rental period, you want to exchange it for another. The painting you receive is framed and in a style that complements the work of art.


New York View of Matthew Moss paintings loaned to merchant bank Morgan Stanley

Monte-Carlo Paintings loaned by the artist to the international banking group Société Générale